Getting Started
There are some really hardworking, creative teachers out there. One of the more creative, buzz worthy lessons to come through the science edusphere has been Periodic Table Battleship. I believe Karyn, at her Teach Besides Me blog first came up with the idea. I am always on the lookout for simple games to include in class and saw this mentioned on the regular Wednesday #scitlap Twitter chat. Planning for the unit, I remembered that I wanted to try it and within a week had everything I needed together and ready.I tried to replicate what Karyn had done as close as I could. I planned on 50 laminated color coded periodic tables and 24 multicolored file-folders. I began by visiting Staples to price out laminating sheets, file folders, and color copies.The laminating sheets were much less expensive on Amazon, but the colorful file folders were a decent $7 for 24. I also ended up ordering the large colored paperclips from Amazon as well (get these at your local dollar store for less). The trickiest part might have been getting colored copies of the periodic table. The $.50 a sheet at Staples was much more than I wanted to spend. Printing them at home would have been a pain and somewhat expensive as well. Shouldn't my school have a color printer/copier I could use? My tech office hooked me up with the copies I needed and they turned out fantastic. I pulled the periodic table image from I decided that the more colorful I could make things, the more intrinsically engaging the game would be. In a few hours one evening I assembled the boards and was ready to go. Just to note, I had previously purchased 24 whiteboard markers on Amazon for use with student whiteboards.
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